On Ice 5 ml
On Ice 5 ml
This incredibly powerful arousal oil for women is all-natural and made with an original blend of pure essential oils and extracts. When applied directly to the clitoris, ON ICE will dramatically heighten a woman's arousal and give her an exciting sensation that pulsates, vibrates, tingles and COOLS the most sensitive part of her sensual body. ON ICE makes most women feel as though they are lubricating more.
Using ON Arousal Oil will help a woman's body respond more easily to physical stimulation, and give her the type of full-body awareness that raises her arousal level. These two things give women the ability to achieve orgasm easier.
Product Features:
- Creates a cool and tingly sensation
- Pulsates and vibrates
- Incredibly powerful
- It is made of 100% natural botanical ingredients and essential oils
- Medically endorsed by Dr. Jennifer Berman, MD
- It is safe and pleasurable to use during oral