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Fun Factory

Limba Flex S

Limba Flex S

Regular price $120.99 AUD
Regular price Sale price $120.99 AUD
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Limba Flex: S takes whatever shape you want, whenever you want. Whether you want a straight shaft, a gentle curve, or even an angle that brings excitement, this is the dildo that can perform it all.

Limba Flex: S's short size makes it perfect for riding and grinding against your partner. It's super thin, small shape is perfect for beginners looking to experiment with a dildo for the first time, or even for professionals looking to find a new angle to work from. Best of all it's an absolute pleaser when it comes to pegging, harness play, and can even be a suitable packer to hide under your clothes. It's flat base is not only perfect to strap into a harness, but also includes a suction cup that sticks to smooth surfaces

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